Michael Silverstone
Michael is a self taught artist from the National Capital Region (Ottawa-Gatineau). He has been exploring for just over a decade now through his draughtsmanship the myriad personalities he has come across in his hometown of Ottawa and from travels abroad. He has always found so much richness in the broad range of tonal values that make monochromatic work such an effective evocation, a summation if you will of an individual's character. He also strives to tell a story with his work while leaving a certain ambiguity so that a single work can relay different things to different people. His travel journals as well have increasingly informed his life in the studio and continue to serve as a usefull conduit to the world at large. His work can be found in private collections here in Canada and the U.S. as well as overseas in Europe.
2016. Special Jury Prize, Honourable Mention at 2nd PAS International Open Juried Art Exhibition for 'Sean No. 4'
2016. Finalist (both submissions), 2nd PAS International Open Juried Art Exhitbion 2016
2015. Finalist (both submissions), Figureworks 2015
2015. Kama Pigments Award at Figureworks 2015 for
'Jennifer Marie-Graphite Study'
2014. Finalist (both submissions), Figureworks 2014
2013. Finalist (both submissions), Figureworks 2013
2012. Finalist (with single submission), Figureworks 2012
2011. Finalst (both submissions), Figureworks 2011
2011. Special Jury Prize, Honourable Mention at Figureworks
2011 for 'The Photographer'
Exhibitions and Gallery Show
2016. Youthdale Art Exhibition, Metro Hall, Toronto-group show
2016. Figureworks 2016, St. Brigids CentreOttawa group
2016. 2nd PAS International Open Juried Exhitbition, Ottawa- group show
2016. Drawing From Reality, Patrick Gordon
Framing Studio
2016. The Orange Summer Show, The Orange Art Gallery, Ottawa-group show
2015. The Orange Christmas Show, The Orange Art Gallery, Ottawa-group show
2015. Figureworks 2015, St. Brigids Centre for the Arts, Ottawa group-show
2015. Winter Design Festival (Winterlude2015),Ottawa-group show
2014. Figureworks 2014, St Brigid's Centre for the Arts, Ottawa, group show
2013. Il Disgegno, Divino, Ottawa (Dec. 8-current exhibition), solo show
2013. The Orange Christmas Show, The Orange Art Gallery, Ottawa, group show
2013. Figureworks 2013, St. Brigid's Centre for the Arts. Ottawa
group show
2012. Figureworks 2012, St. Brigid's Centre for the Arts,
Ottawa-group show
2011. Figureworks 2011, The Orange Art Gallery, Ottawa, group show
2010. Renderings and Other Realities, The Orange Art
Gallery, Ottawa-solo show
2016. Pencil Art Society (PAS) April 2016 Spotlight featuring 'Stillness'
2015. Figureworks Featured Artwork of the Month for 'Jennifer Marie-Graphite Study'